Recognize your top regatta and sailing club sponsors with insignia cloth adhesive full color sail stickers
Recognize your club sailing program and regatta sponsors with adhesive full color sail graphics. Full color printed sail sponsor stickers adhere to your sails using the very same insignia cloth as sail numbers are made from. These printed sail stickers can be used for regatta logo branding or sponsor logos. They can help identify club sailing programs and community sailing program logos to brand your program for greater community visibility.
Championship Regatta Graphics are experts in producing sail sponsor logo sticker packages for regattas or sailing programs. We’ve worked with community sailing programs, large international regattas and championship sailing regattas from California to Bermuda, from New England to the Caribbean. We’ve even branded a Volvo Ocean Race entry!
Sail graphics can be used for your yacht or sailing club logo, to livery or identify and promote your club on the water.
Davis Island YC, Tampa, FL Youth sailing program sail graphics
You can use it for big ocean racing boats, for sailing club programs, for youth sailing camps and even for your yacht or sailing club to ID your club boats on the water. It’s great promotion for local business sponsors, too. The Chamber of Commerce LOVES these sailboats on the water, and we’ve seen a number of permanent banner and poster uses from the CoC photos in our clients’ communities! Your sponsor logo lives on (forever!)
You can use your yacht club’s burgee (shown here, Savannah YC)

Or you can use local business sponsors who will benefit from everyone seeing their logos all over the harbor/basin/lake all summer long! This is for Fall River ReCreation, a youth sports program in Fall River, MA.

Sailcloth production tips:
Plan ahead! Sailcloth takes us 3-4 weeks from order to shipping. Why? It’s printed on flatbed, the inks need a longer dry time on insignia cloth, it is then post-production punch cut around your shapes, and we ship with an inverse roll (we roll it to the outside).
What can you expect when you order with us? We will grab your logos (EPS preferred, but we can also take JPEG or high resolution PNG files) and prepare a quote. We will prepare an invoice, take payment, create your file, get your approval – and from approval to arrival is 3 weeks. Want to know more or get an order started? Fill out our form below or call Ann at 517 402 8500.