Regatta Graphics – From performance sailing dinghies to offshore sailboats and maxi yachts, we’ve got your number!
Bow numbers. Sponsor stickers with integrated bow numbers. Printed sail insignia cloth stickers. If you need to identify boats or promote sponsors at your sailing event or yacht club, we can help.
Recognize your club sailing program and regatta sponsors with adhesive full color sail graphics. Full color printed sail sponsor stickers adhere to your sails using the very same insignia cloth as sail numbers are made from. These printed sail stickers can be used for regatta logo branding or sponsor logos. They can help identify club sailing programs and community sailing program logos to brand your program for greater community visibility.
We can print just about anything on your sticker – a yacht club logo, sponsor logo, even images and photographs. Check our our Facebook page photo gallery and examples.
Championship Regatta Graphics is the premier supplier of regatta sponsor stickers and bow numbers. MADE in the USA, BY sailors FOR sailors!
Championship Regatta Graphics™ supplies regatta bow number stickers and sail number graphics for sailboats for Midwinter, National, North American, World Championship, or other sailing regattas. Our vinyl sail boat bow numbers and sponsor logo graphics are designed for maximum readability on the water. Get a price quote…. on your regatta’s bow numbers.

CRG™ services also include sailing regatta event stickers, banners, and logo design services. We also produce burgee stickers, yacht club parking stickers, hull and equipment ID stickers for yacht clubs. We are the ONLY dedicated sailing-specific graphics provider out there. We’re not a big sign shop (where your job is too small), we make every effort to make what we deliver EASY to use for sailors – we can advise on sizing for any class of boat.

Get a price quote….

From big boats to one-design dinghies, we know what you need! Regatta-proven, cost-effective marketing, ID and sponsorship graphics
Events featured in our header above:
Thistle NACs (2022)
Viper 640 Class (2021)
Davis Island YC Youth Sailing (2017, for a fleet, permanent sail stickers)
Bell’s Bayview to Mackinac (2018)
NYC 2014
About Championship Regatta Graphics
We’re former college sailors who have continued our love of sailing and have competed at the North American level in multiple classes in one-design sailboats. We’ve also been part of organizing committees and the Race Committee team whose job it is to keep track of the numbers of over-early boats as well as hotly contested finishes. We’ve translated this experience on both sides of the tiller to create great looking vinyl regatta bow numbers for sailboats that are easy to apply and make the RC’s job easy – both on the water and in the regatta planning stages.

Proud to be members of and support US Sailing!
See our social media for our newest updates!
© 2021 Marketing Acuity, Inc. | Championship Regatta Graphics